Big news! You can now apply to steward at GTSF 2024. Get free access to the whole festival for a few hours work.

As a not-for-profit company run by volunteers, we rely your generosity to help us out with stewarding. If you've not tried it before, it's a great opportunity to join the festival team, work a few hours and enjoy the rest of the festival for free.
There are three main teams: a small set-up team who work the 4 days leading up to the festival; the larger weekend team who work while the festival takes place; and another small take-down team who help put everything back into storage after it all ends.
If you fancy it, then please read the explanation on the stewarding page here and then click the link to fill in a questionnaire which asks which team you'd like to join and some relevant questions about any previous experience. Lots of people come back year after year, but we welcome first-timers with open arms (no experience necessary).
Even if you have stewarded with us before, we still need you to complete the form to register for this year's festival.
Thanks in advance
The GTSF Team!