Alert: Tier 1 tickets sold fast after our last email, and they'll all be gone tomorrow.
Some more great news on the artist front: we've just signed Black Water County for Friday. Punchy fiddle, guitar and hard hitting drums with underpinnings of banjo, mandolin and tin whistle – a beautiful cacophony of distilled folk-punk bliss!

We've also announced our first two Morris sides, who'll be dancing on site and in town over the weekend.
Mortimer's Morris
Mortimer's Morris is an energetic women's side from Nottingham who’ll tantalise you with a modern twist on North West Morris, whilst the famous Mortimer's Band tickle your ears with sounds from across Europe. In their trademark ornate purple waistcoats, Mortimer’s kit stands out from the crowd.

Rattlejag Morris
Retford’s Rattlejag Morris is a mixed side aimed at reviving and developing a local dance tradition. They dance Plough Morris, taking inspiration from the local ploughboys of the 19th century. They each have their own colour ribbon and face paint and perform broom, bacca pipe, and sword dances amongst many others unique to the group.

Lots more exciting news on the way soon!
We hope you're having a great weekend. It's sunny here - hope it is where you are.
The GTSF Team.