Credits to some of the other people and organisations who make the festival what it is.
Videos on this website:
Thanks for the following for the home page video:
Video clips: Dan Lord of Forecast Designs and Pete Simmonds
Music: La Banda by Track Dogs, recorded at GTSF
And for the video on the Kids & Family page:​
Video: Dan Lord of Forecast Designs
Music: Becky Syson
Photos on this website
We're really grateful to the photographers listed here, who share their photos of the festival with us. Many of their shots are dotted around this website. If you want a copy of any of them, let us know which ones and we can send your request to the relevant photographer.
Phil Richards
Jordan Russell of Lyric Lounge Review
Kris Worsley
Roy Vickers
Theo N De Bray
Leaflet distribution
If you can help distribute some of our leaflets to folk clubs, gigs or elsewhere please get in touch. We're grateful to the following (if we've missed you off, sorry! please let us know).
Music in the Green, record shop in Bakewell
The Hearty Goodfellow, Southwell
plus many individual supporters